Man they really went all out on the backgrounds in this episode.

Other than I really couldn’t get invested in this.


I kind of get where the antis are coming from with the “don’t touch me” scene but I think it’s being blown out of proportion. I read it more as Kyle being flustered by the sudden unexpected touch, especially in front of other people. But even if read as Kyle being genuinely uncomfortable with holding hands… it’s not that big a deal? They both forcefully pull each other away all the time, usually by just grabbing arms. Cartman’s gotten into the habit of pulling by holding hands though which I find cute as hell

Kyle says don’t touch me when he’s angry or disapproving. Cartman taking his hand was just being more insistent, and Kyle didn’t resist that much. He was just angry, but still walked on his own and maintained the pace of Cartman with no resistance.

That literally just meant Kyle was angry. He’s still compliant to Cartman, he wants to be reasonable and he wants to solve the situation.



Ughhh now I want a drug dealer Cartman auuuuuu

With Butters, Kenny, Clyde and Craig….and Kyle but he’s all grumpy and acts like he’s only doing it so Cartman wont fuck up and owe money to the people he supplies from.

Kyle, handing over bags of drugs and getting money back for them: Listen, I’m only doing this for my friend. He’s stupid and in a real rough place right now.

Kyle, knifing people in an alley after a drug deal gone sour: Listen, I’m only doing this for my friend.

Kyle, buying Cartman some Guchi with his new drug money: Listen, I’m o-