Offscreen Post #10

It’s Christmas Day and everyone’s posting all these festive drawings, and I’m just like… they fucked and cuddled on Christmas Eve. That’s my “Christmas” drawing. (But hey at least I did a secret santa, right..?)

The real Christmas gift though was drawing Kyle’s magnificent fluffy hair… look at it… it’s beautiful…

Anyway, my Christmas gift to you guys is kyman smut for the @askthemainfour universe~ Merry Christmas!

Off-screen Post #8 (Part 2)


ERIC: Well, Kyle? Do you hear anything?
KYLE: Nothing. … Jesus, you were right.


KYLE: Thank god. You would not believe how loud they are.
KYLE: But are you sure this is okay? You’re not gonna shove me off the bed like you did to Kenny?
ERIC: Didn’t you see the picture? All you have to do is sleep really close to me.
KYLE: Wow. That’s convenient.


ERIC: C’mon Kyle, you know you can’t even act like you don’t like cuddling anymore.
KYLE: ….


KYLE: Pff. I should’ve known you’d use that one hug against me.
ERIC: Yeah. You really should know better, Kyle~.
KYLE: …You’re talking like that again.
ERIC: Talking like what?
KYLE: That.
KYLE: That fucking voice you do.
KYLE: Just talking like that and then doing nothing.
ERIC: Oh, did you want me to do something?
ERIC: What’d you want, Kyle?

ERIC: !!

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This counts as NSFW Wednesday shh