The Mysterious Gems :: Chapter 1

art by @kofukune

A little project me and @roselyse write for fun. :3 

“Wait, there’s someone here.”

Citrine had already started running ahead, but retraced his steps to Emerald. “…In the prison?”

Emerald passed Moonstone and Citrine, stepping towards the cell.

The cell itself was completely charred on the inside. The gem had his back to the onlookers. Moonstone squinted and knelt, trying to get a closer look. He attempted to ignore the smell of burnt metal that was assaulting his nose.

“…Hello?” He asked.

The gem didn’t move. There were thin lines scraped into the metal wall he was facing, clearly tally marks. Moonstone turned back to Emerald and Citrine.

“Maybe he doesn’t speak?”

“He doesn’t look like one of ours,” Citrine said. “Why would they imprison him?”

“Who are you.”

The group became uneasy as they heard the stranger’s voice. His head turned, his eyes lurking beneath his sweaty hair as he gave them a cold glare.

Despite the tension in the air, Emerald decided to introduce them.

“We’re gems. Citrine, Moonstone, and I’m Emerald,” Emerald said.

“We’re the enemies of your captors,” Citrine finished for Emerald. “What about you?”

The large red gem huffed and smoke came out of his nose. He turned his face back to the wall, cracked his neck loudly and sat up a little straighter.

“Ruby,” He growled. Moonstone tilted his head to the side in surprise.

“A Ruby? …No. That can’t be right,“ Moonstone said. He stood up and leaned forward to get a better look at the oversized gem. “You’re way too big to be a Ruby. You’re lying.”


"Rubies produce heat. Especially when they’re angry,” Emerald pointed out. Citrine glanced around Ruby’s singed cell, considering this.

“Yeah. This Ruby has a bad temper,” Citrine said.

Ruby’s shoulders tensed and he punched the wall, smoke shooting out from under his fist. The sound echoed off the walls and down the hallways, making the other gems flinch.

“I’ve been in here for 276 years! ”

Ruby got to his feet, embers shooting from his nostrils before dissipating in smoke around his face. His eyes were piercing as he stared at the others and his chest began to heave with labored and rapid breaths.

Citrine looked on blankly at Ruby’s enraged state. He pursed his lips as Emerald looked at him.

“What should we do?” Emerald asked. “We can’t keep him here like this…”

Hey what kyman fanfics would you recommend. Beside your amazing ones. U so kewl 😎

Might Last a Day, Minus Tomorrow, is something I ALWAYS recommend. I also hear Baby, Now You Do, is pretty engaging. I’ve read a bit of it, kept my interest pretty well despite some of the dialogue being shoddy. It’s good though. 

Also, Less Appealing Than Five Thousand Summer Squash is good.

There are a few others, but I can’t remember their names at the moment. Backseat Confessions, I think?

A Series of Left Turns :: Chapter 18

Before I get to the door to exit the mall I have to forcibly stop my feet from moving.


…I can’t confront Cartman like this.

I’m far too emotional right now to get any kind of desirable result.

I stare down at the bottle of haloperidol in my hand. I have to think. I have to have a clear mind when I do this.

After a moment or two I take the bottle of pills and slip them into my jacket pocket. And as my fingers brush against the gun wedged next to the bottle, an intense feeling of dread floods through my body.

I’m really in the thick of this, aren’t I? If what Liane said really is true… then I’ve been letting an unmedicated schizophrenic man walk freely around my house for the past week. With a loaded, high powered pistol on him at all times.

I squeeze the shopping bag in my hand even tighter.

…But… he hasn’t had lapses.

If Liane has been too afraid to give him medication ever since he grew taller than her or whatever, then I should have been around him long enough to see one of these lapses.

That is, unless what I consider normal Cartman behavior are his lapses.

Him suddenly wanting to fight me so much, his random bursts of energy or aggression, his general paranoia of not wanting to eat stuff from his house…

Shooting that guy in the head like it was nothing…

…Pointing a gun at me…

…But… he always had his reasons. …Or maybe they were just very convincing justifications – I mean I am talking about Cartman, the master of manipulation…


I don’t want this to be true…

The automatic doors of the mall entrance pull open, and the chilly outside air surrounds my body. The knot in my stomach tightens up as I search for Cartman in the walkway or the nearby benches.

What do I say to him…? How do I act…?

He’s not here.

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A Series of Left Turns :: Chapter 17

This one was a real roller coaster to write. Brace yourself for a whole lot of emotions!

“I dunno, Jew. They might’ve still heard. It’s super quiet out there…” Cartman says, still looking at the door with a frown.

“…I don’t want to go check,” I admit.

Cartman laughs softly. “They’re your parents. If I went out there they’d probably take it a lot worse.”

I purse my lips. “…Let’s just stay here a little longer and see what happens.”

Cartman looks at me and shrugs. “Sure, okay.” He starts to stand up, pausing for a moment and scoffing at his own mess in his lap. He takes his boxers and quickly wipes over it. “Better unlock the door.” He says quietly. “It’s gonna be suspicious if they come up now and it’s locked.”

Before I can respond he’s off the bed, heading towards the door. I stare at him, then sigh and mimic his gross method of ‘cleaning’. Well. Guess he’s not much of a cuddler when he’s awake.

He goes to unlock the door, and then we go back to arranging boxes like we did before. It’s hard to be too on edge in my haze. I really hope nobody heard us, though.

A sudden, insistent knock at the door does get me to be a lot more anxious.

My eyes dart to Cartman. He’s frozen in place like me.

Maybe it’s just my Dad checking up on our progress. We’re probably fine. We weren’t that loud, we just sounded loud in each other’s ears.

The knock comes again, a little louder this time.

Shit. Why would they knock twice instead of just coming in unless they thought we were doing something?

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Start From the Beginning

Just kyman things


lovingly saying “Jew~” and “Fatass~”

oh s n a p Sheila and Gerald is going to kill either kyle or eric any second now 

sneaking through the window casually 

“You have sand in your vagina” i do NOT HAVE SAND IN MY VAGINAAA”

cupid me being either being all of erics insecurities or just being like” TeeHee ur mom gay and so are yoUU!~” 


“We are fucking eachother but no strings attached, it’s not like we like eachother or anythinG BAKA” 

Moaning “Eric” Instead of cartman

“Call me eric because being called Cartman makes me feel not human or some shit blah blah ok now let’s be in a relationship” 

Kenny betting on them fucking

Kenny knowing they had sexual tension the entire time

kenny being the BEST wingman

(This one annoys me a g h) Kyle crushing on stan at first but DA M N LOOK AT ERICS NEW HOT BOD

ERic having a redemption arc

Eric or kyle moving away from southpark and coming back and seeing eachother like,,damn have you been working out??? WERE YOU ALWAYS THIS HOT 

“Erics still chubby but not morbidly obese like he was at a kid” 

clydefrog are u ok

Kyle using hat to cover his hair because he is insecure 

“Jew,,lemme see yo hair”

fighting but someone ends up being pinned down and suddenly BONERS

Eric being disgusted by moms job 

if you call liane a whore eric will hunt u down and kill u 


Eric teasing kyle in public

“Lets skip class”




Eric saving or helping kyle with something bu like,,Its NOT PERSONAL OR ANYTHING BAKA

eric just admit ur feelings u coward

Bebe crushing on kyle 

eric being jealous and possessive 

“Stan i swear he changed”


“Shhhh be quiet my parents are sleeping”

“I hate you” “LOve you too,Jew”

K I N K 

kyles a screamer


cupid me shut the u p 

blushing while fighting 

*Insert insults and kisses*

feel free to add on f e l l a s

You pretty much nailed it.

A Series of Left Turns:: Chapter 16

This one is NSFW so click carefully!

A whole weekend. A whole weekend away from each other and that’s the last conversation we had to have.

I must have the shittiest timing in the world, right?

God. I can’t get the image of those deep blue, tear-filled eyes out of my head. I can’t shake the guilt of how much what I said hurt him. The look in his eyes, when I told him I had no feelings for him.

He repeated that to me, too… That I said I felt nothing…

As I re-enter my house I waste no time heading towards my room. I walk straight up the stairs not wanting to look at or talk to anybody.

God, I fucked up.

I shut the door behind me as soon as I’m in. With a sigh I toss my hat to the ground, hanging my head as I lean against the wall astride the door.

To say I don’t feel anything; I know that’s an exaggeration. But if I pulled back on that statement I think I would’ve hurt him more. And really… I played with his feelings enough, haven’t I? All that hesitation from me, that lack of response, that lack of feeling, even when he tried to hold me. When I was still ‘trying.’

Jesus Christ, I hurt him. I hurt him and I barely even thought anything of it. How could I do that? How could I just treat my best friend like he’s nothing? How could I be so wrapped up in myself that I don’t even notice that I’m hurting him?

I’m thrown out my thoughts when a hand takes my chin and tilts it up. Ice blue eyes meet mine, peering down at me.

“Guess you did it,” Cartman says.

I hold my gaze, eyebrows still tight from frustration and sigh. “…Yeah.”

Those mischievous eyes of his lower as he leans in close. “Atta boy,” He whispers against my lips.

He crushes our lips together and my heart skyrockets.

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A Series of Left Turns :: Chapter 14

I’m really thinking of starting to title these things, but I’m not sure. It might be a little pointless more than half way in. Either way, I hope you enjoy this new chapter!

– ‘Did you ever find out why you were feeling that way last night?’

A text from Stan during the middle of breakfast. Cartman is sitting right next to me, but, that fact alone shouldn’t make texting Stan feel uncomfortable. Then again.. It is about him.

-‘Yeah. It was guilt. I couldn’t help but feel bad that while Cartman’s trying to grapple with the idea that his parents abandoned him, I was abandoning him too by going off and experimenting.’

This is only part of what my theory is. I do think that I feel guilty about doing that kinda stuff while Cartman’s in such a shitty situation. Definitely. But on top of that, he’s in the same house as me, and has a crush on me. He doesn’t need the idea of me being with Stan on his plate with everything else.

Cartman puts up the facade of just being irritated that we might be together, but it’s not just irritation. He did bring up the possibility of me bringing Stan over to do stuff with him so clearly it’s on his mind often if he’s thinking that in depth. It’s not like I would ever do that to Cartman even if I was with Stan, but…

It just feels so awful to think about. I mean… I’m clearly not ready to jump into a relationship. I couldn’t even kiss Stan back properly. To force myself through one just for the sake of it when I know there’s a pretty high chance that Cartman has a crush on me is incredibly insensitive.

– ‘That’s ridiculous Kyle. Just because he’s miserable doesn’t mean you have to be.’

– ‘I’m just explaining what that feeling was.’

– ‘Yeah but that feeling isn’t normal at all. You really need to stop hanging around him so much. It’s really not good for you.’

– ‘I wish you’d stop saying that.’

– ‘I wish you’d stop putting Cartman first. You really need to take care of yourself.’

Ugh. This is something I will never agree with Stan on. He’s so afraid of putting other people before himself. He treats it like it’s a crime. He treats it like people who put other people before them even momentarily will always put that person before themselves. And he treats those people like they won’t be able to recognize when they start getting taken advantage of.

What, because I’m being stressed out that means I’m being taken advantage of? I chose this. And I’m only stressed out because of how invested I am in Cartman. And his situation. It’s not like he’s directly or intentionally stressing me out.

I mean, he could be a little more cooperative, but Cartman is right in the sense that he didn’t ask for any of this.

I don’t get why he doesn’t want to cooperate though. I could help him.

– ‘The amount of care that you put into Cartman isn’t something he’s ever gonna give back to you, dude. He doesn’t deserve it.’

– ‘I disagree.’

I don’t elaborate on this. Stan asks me why I disagree, but I just say that I disagree.

I think back on when Cartman grabbed my wrist, when we were getting out of Buck’s car. That look in his eyes… He gave me that same look when he was talking me down as he aimed the gun at me.

That reserved, frustrated, but pleading expression.

There’s something there.

And I’m not just gonna give up on it.

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With the way I was describing the characters in ASoLT, I finally decided I needed to put more specific faces to them. So I messed around with some designs and also took the time to really get into shading. 

I’m really satisfied with Cartman