Can you go a little bit more into detail about what happened when Kyle went back to Cartman?

Kyle most likely would do something “inconspicuous” to find an excuse to talk to Cartman again.

Kyle knocks on Cartman’s door one night and gives Cartman a sweater, saying that Cartman left it at his house. Then Cartman would accept the sweater and they’d share an awkward silence, Cartman looking expectedly at Kyle because he knows there’s something else to this.

Kyle isn’t the type to knock on someone’s door in the dead of night to give them something like a sweater – a Christmas sweater that’s been there for months, probably tucked away in Kyle’s closet for safekeeping up until this convenient moment.

Kyle glances away for a bit, then tells Cartman, “I can barely get anything done. I keep thinking about you – and trying to logically weigh the reasons I should keep being with you against the reasons I should leave you. But no matter how many times I do it, I can’t stop thinking, what if I’m just wrong?

I’ve taken so many chances with you already. And it’s not like the paranoia of you turning around and stabbing me in the back any time I show you compassion has ever left me. Regardless of what Wendy said I always had that in the back of my mind.

Hell, even right now… I’m opening up to you and you could just laugh at me, call me a fucking idiot and never talk to me again. Just to hurt me. Because you’d do that.”

Kyle stands in silence for a moment. Then says,

“But if you did that you know I’ll get you back for it.”

Cartman is taken back by this. He can’t help but laugh despite the situation. “Are you threatening me?”

Kyle gives Cartman a conflicted look, then shrugs. “It’s not a threat if you’re not guilty.”

Cartman loosens up a bit. “What is this a stand off? Are we holding each other hostage? Is that what this is Kahl?”

Kyle puts a hand over his face and laughs lightly. “Well, when you put it like that,”

“You put it like that, Jew. Like you’re challenging me or some shit,” Cartman says nudging Kyle playfully.

The smile leaves Kyle’s face, becoming alarmed at the idea. “Jesus Christ, no. God that’d be so– … What I meant is – I always had that thought so it’s not like it’s much diff–”

“Who’re you tryina justify to right now?” Cartman says. “Clearly you’re taking me back so just do it.”

Kyle purses his lips. He looks very conflicted. “I guess… I’m justifying it to myself.”

“For the millionth time.” Cartman says. “Just admit I’m a guilty pleasure already and stop torturing yourself.”

Kyle rolls his eyes, but blushes. “I’m really inflating your ego right now, aren’t I?”

“Yep. Good job, Jew. Fucked up again.”

After this, they fall into playful banter, and Cartman invites him inside. They spend the night together and things start to go back to normal for them.


The Finale

This is the final part of the epilogue. There are two other parts of the epilogue you can read. One about Heathers and one about Patty. Enjoy~

After the Heathers play ends, Graduation is very close by. Kyle decides that he needs to focus more on seriously looking at colleges he wants to enter. He tells Cartman, and eventually Cartman tells the blog, that he and Cartman need to take a break.

Kyle disappears for a long time. He’s very inactive on the blog. If the audience were to ask anyone about him, Stan would answer, saying he’s focusing on studies. Cartman would still be on the blog, but would hang out a lot more with Kenny instead, and people would start to notice he would start smoking pot.

After a week or two of this, Kenny talks to Kyle in private and tells him that Cartman is incredibly invested in Kyle. Kyle takes a few more days to think about this, but does eventually come back to Cartman.

Kyle’s justification for this is despite everything that’s happened between them Cartman hasn’t bailed on Kyle, so Kyle can’t bail on Cartman. Of course the audience would probably question this and try to fuck with Kyle’s head, but Kyle would just ignore those anons.

A few days before Kyle’s birthday, Kyle can finally take the cast off. (This is around the time the BJ offscreenpost would take place.)

The Stalker

The blog harassment becomes more targeted towards Kyle and Cartman’s relationship, talking about how Kyle should not trust Cartman and that he’s an idiot for thinking that anyone can fix Cartman. That he’ll always be a deranged, broken human being.

Kyle attempts to track the IP of the stalker. When he does find the IP he realizes the person is close enough to leech off of Cartman’s internet. Cartman becomes increasingly unnerved by this information, but doesn’t make it public to the blog.

As mentioned in a previous post, Bebe is Cartman’s spy, and Cartman is certain that this stalker is a girl. He dubs the stalker the “locker stalker” jokingly in front of the blog, but is hellbent on finding the girl and making her pay. He tells Bebe to focus on both Patty and Wendy.

Wendy is much easier to track for Bebe since they’re such close friends, and Bebe quickly confirms that while Wendy does watch the blog a lot and talk a lot of shit, she never goes near Cartman’s house or writes anons of any kind. Just gossips to her friends about Cartman’s stupid blog.

Patty’s lead is much more distracting to Cartman, but Bebe can’t seem to find any substantial evidence. Cartman almost wants to get Kyle in on it, but Bebe thinks talking about it openly between his group might make things more complicated. Cartman asks her why, and Bebe says she gets a bad feeling about it.  

She mostly just wants to drop the issue. Cartman eventually concedes and lets it go.

Future Plans

As Graduation draws closer, the main four starts to talk about what they plan to do with their lives. Kenny decides that he’s going to jump straight into being a police officer in South Park. Stan is going to move to the west coast with his family and study marine biology, while also taking up a job to brace for his eventual child. Kyle is going to New York to major in computer programming, since it’s always been such a natural skill for him and he already knows how to develop software – having made that tracking system in order to find Cartman. Cartman is also moving to New York to major in Musical Theatre.

Shortly after making this knowledge public, an untagged post pops up in the middle of the night:

“Hello Internet,

This may seem a bit sudden… but… as you all may have heard, Eric wants to move to New York. Thats… a very BAD idea. New york is full of dangerous people. And Eric is drawn to danger. He always gets himself into trouble. That Trent boy… who didn’t really harm anyone… Eric felt the need to bring guns into the picture. He locked him and his friends in bomb shelter for weeks and then went missing. He worried everyone sick, over this boy who was most likely just going to deliver a few punches and then leave them alone… and to top it all off… he got that poor Trent boy killed. Imagine if he ran into any old outspoken New Yorker. He would take their outlandish behavior as a challenge. And he would get himself thrown in jail. I don’t want that for Eric. But he won’t listen to me. Please, do whatever you can to stop Eric from going to New York.”

The post is deleted shortly afterwards, minutes after. Inevitably an audience member would mention it, and the four would be very confused. Well, sort of. As soon as Kyle does some tampering and is able to recover the deleted post, Cartman reads it and automatically knows who it is.

He waits that night for his Mother to come home. Kyle waits with him.

Liane’s Confession

Liane when she walks through the door is noticeably buzzed. Cartman hesitates for a moment, but then aggravatingly confronts her. He tells her that she has no right going onto his blog and making posts. Liane tells her son that she knows what’s best for him and he doesn’t belong in New York – that he needs her more than he thinks he does.

They have a back and forth about this, Liane listing all the types of things that she’s done for him in the past that no other Mother would have done, and Cartman starting to list off all the negligence that he faced that ‘no other mother would have done.’ He also brings up that his whole reason for being born was to be a tool in Liane’s plan to trap a guy into a relationship with her, and Liane denies this saying that she was glad to raise him.

Kyle watches from the sidelines, not really wanting to get involved in an argument that he doesn’t know half of. Liane doesn’t seem to notice that he’s there.

Cartman snaps and finally accuses his Mother of being the stalker. That it’d be so easy to find his locker and locker combination if his Mother just asked the school staff. And of course she could describe the inside of his house and have the IP constantly be circling their house.

Liane continuously denies this. Cartman refuses to believe his Mother and blows up at her, calling her a sick and twisted person and accusing her of trying to break him and Kyle up. They’re in each other’s faces yelling at each other, Liane feeling bolder than she would usually be because she’s drunk. The shouting escalates a bit further until Liane grabs Cartman’s face and tells him that she loves him more than anything, and she begs him not to leave her alone, that she needs him.

Cartman shoves Liane away from him, looking utterly disgusted. He goes into his room and starts packing his bags. He tells Kyle that he’s moving out, and he doesn’t care where he has to go. He just says that he has to get away from his Mom or he might do something he regrets.

Kyle seems taken aback by that, but helps him moves out.

The Damage

Once things settle down and Liane stops trying to find out where Cartman is, Cartman decides to bunk in Stan’s basement until graduation. Kyle offered to house him, but Cartman said it would be too obvious. And at one point, Liane did try to go to Kyle’s house and find Cartman.

Liane tries contacting the police a few times to find Cartman, but with how many times the Cartman household has contacted the police over the years, they hardly take her calls seriously anymore.

For a month and a half Cartman falls into a depression and experiences night terrors and pukes through anxiety attacks. He jokes that it’s the curse of the Marsh household making him puke. Kyle comes over a lot to try and talk to him, but Cartman doesn’t say much.

After being reclusive for so long Cartman gets a job and begins to pay Randy rent. He makes himself more useful around the house to make up for his period of depression and all sheet-ruining puke he  When Graduation comes, Liane tries to get Cartman to come back home, but he avoids her like the plague. The four of them earn their diplomas, Kenny needing extra help from Kyle and Stan to graduate, but also pulling through.

Parting Ways

Stan moves west to California. Kyle, Cartman and Kenny room in a cheap duplex together. Kenny is MIA most of them time except to pay bills and eat from time to time.

Patty has Stan’s son in California and sends pictures and videos.

After a gap year, Cartman and Kyle move to Queens and start their college semesters. Once he’s in a more financially comfortable position, Cartman starts seeing a therapist. It takes him a few pushes from Kyle to stay consistent with it, but he does it.

Kenny stays in South Park, makes amends with Butters. They become roommates, but strictly friends with benefits.

And that’s about where the blog’s story ends. Thanks for sticking around to read!


The Secrets of Patty Nelson

This is the second part of the plot outline for the final arc. The first one is The Conclusion of The Heathers Play. This one will overlap chronologically with the next upcoming post.

False Impressions

Patty Nelson has always been treated as weird by certain characters. She gives off an unsettling vibe. One that makes Cartman seriously dislike her. One that makes animals not very fond of her, and makes her not blend with female groups very well. People get a strange feeling about her.

She has a dead look in her eyes. She has a fascination with voodoo. In earlier photos, she watches members of the group from afar…

With a few given hints, you would eventually learn a few things about Patty.

Firstly, she has psychopathy.

She’s a natural born psychopath (also known as anti-social disorder), and does not experience empathy. This means that the emotions and expressions she does show are emulated, merely imitations of the expressions around her, and therefore come off as ingenuine.

This is the first thing that tipped Cartman off. Cartman, though not a psychopath, has a very keen eye for them. She was easy to spot to Cartman, and the fact that she was so interested in trying to make friends with Cartman made him incredibly suspicious.

He even made an alliance with Bebe, convincing her to get more involved in Patty’s life and forge a friendship with her. Bebe was skeptical of doing this at first, but Cartman paid her so she took up the job.

After a month or so Bebe definitely felt something off about Patty. Patty didn’t like to bring people into her own house. The only person she really allowed into it was Stan, sometimes, so Bebe getting into Patty’s house was tricky. Eventually she was able to get in.

Patty has a twin sister.

Tammy Nelson

You may have already read this – Tammy Nelson is Patty Nelson’s twin sister, who also dated Stan before Patty ever considered him. Tammy is an incredibly withdrawn girl; she doesn’t date much. She doesn’t reach out much at all, and she dresses incredibly conservatively compared to Patty.

Stan and Tammy dated for 6 months, but never really got physical. They dated in freshman year, so inevitably they were both awkward, but Tammy wouldn’t do anything past making out. She insisted it’s because she was religious and didn’t want to anger God.

But there’s another reason. She’s an incredibly anxious person, and yes, she is religious.

But she also has severe burns on her arms that she doesn’t want anyone to see.

Despite her physical hang up, she spent as much time at Stan’s house as possible. Stan eventually left her for being incredibly clingy and emotional. Soon after, Stan found himself being wooed by none other than Tammy’s sister, Patty.

They only dated for 5 days before Stan was told by Butters that Patty was Tammy’s twin sister. They have similar faces, but Tammy dyes her hair blonde and never wears makeup. Once Stan found out they were sisters he promptly dumped Patty, but explained his reasons to her. Patty took this incredibly well.

Once Cartman heard about Tammy from Bebe, he urged her to try to get information from Bebe. Bebe resisted this hard, almost outright refusing to do it. But Cartman has a way with words (and money).

Bebe got close to Tammy and learned that Patty is essentially Tammy’s tormentor. When they were young, Patty locked Tammy in her room when she was sleeping and set the room on fire, almost burning down the house. Tammy was saved from the fire, but not without severe burns all over her arms and back. Tammy had sworn to secrecy and begged Bebe to not let this get out.

Bebe didn’t get into specifics with Cartman, but she did tell him that Tammy is terrified of Patty and Patty is constantly watching her, looking for ways to mess with her and terrorize her.

But beyond Tammy, Bebe could find no proof that Patty terrorized anyone else. She remained ambitious about her hobbies, and when she wasn’t doing that, it seemed like she was too busy fawning over Stan.

In Conclusion

There was nothing to connect the locker harassment to Patty Nelson.

On another note, Patty according to Stan has become incredibly moody.

That’s because she’s pregnant.

She’s gonna find out a bit too late that she’s pregnant. Past the point where she can abort. Stan’s going to be terrified at first, but when Patty attempts to force a miscarriage, Stan stops her and begs her to just let it be. Patty begrudgingly decides to carry the baby, and Stan has the intention to put it up for adoption.

But when he sees the baby, he instantly wants to keep it.

By October 27th, 2016 Patty Nelson and Stan Marsh have a baby boy named Seth Marsh.

More to come!