
The Kyman week is an appreciation event for every kyman shipper that will happen from the 1st to the 7th of July.

In this event we have 7 prompts, one for each day of the week, the shippers can create any form of fanwork based on their interpretation of the prompts, it can be edits, fanfic, cosplay, fanart… anything! Creativity is the key!

The intent is to share your love for the ship and to have fun of course, even the fans who don’t participate will be able to enjoy the new content, everybody wins (˘⌣˘ ) ♡

The works will be reblogued on this blog for each one of the days and at the end everyone that did something will be on a thank you post linking to their blogs with special attention to the ones that did something for all of the days!

To participate you just have to post your work with the theme of the corresponding day and mention this blog or use the #kymanweek so its easy to find it.




For any questions the ask box is open!

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