
To receive this message is tragicomically appropriate right now. We were just discussing about mentioning why we have been inactive lately.

We know, anon. 😥 We haven’t been able to upload anything these last 3 weeks. It’s been painful… But yeah, we are alive.

We are really sorry if someone got worried! The thing is that we have been buried in college related stuff (sleepless nights). Especially by some extremely time-consuming projects —thankfully, the ‘critical stage’ of one of those is going to end up on Friday (please, send good vibes!). So, we hope to come back with a more regular schedule soon. We really miss devoting our time to this ask! ;;

Sorry for this sort of “hiatus”, guys. It’s something that saddens us.

Here, have a Mako’s little sketch of Eric and Kyle as mermans to celebrate Mermay and as an apology. ❤

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