Rosey: (insults everyone else’s writing) Rosey: *cant write*



Why’d you send this to me and not her? 🤔 Don’t be a pussy. You know where her blog is.

Ahem, I call this one…


Roses are red
Some cars are slow
I went to AP English, several writing master classes, and read several books on various writing techniques
…Where’s your writing though?

By the way, if you’re basing this off of Second Best, my first fanfiction ever and also my self proclaimed worst completed story, I still got over 300 reviews. 183 Favorites… Hmm. I guess that means almost 200 people read and favorited my worst writing out there.

How many stories have you written? Can’t be much since you’re on anonymous and are too cowardly to insult someone to their face, lol. I critique writing because I know about technique and a lot of people don’t just like I didn’t. And when I didn’t I definitely would’ve appreciated some constructive criticism.

So in short, I critique my peers writing because I’ve read books by professionals, learned from professionals, and enjoy sharing said helpful information. If you’re someone I’ve critiqued in the past and you can’t handle that, then yeah, maybe being a writer isn’t for you. I’ve taken a fuckton of criticism and appreciated every single one.

As Abraham Lincoln once said, “He has a right to criticize, who has a heart to help.”

But what do I know? I’m just a bad writer.

There’s inherent hypocrisy in criticizing someone who criticizes writing while accusing them of not being able to write when the Anon, by definition has nothing to show for it.

Anon: *shits on other people’s writing*
Anon: *can’t write*

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