Hi I /really/ enjoyed your character analyses of Stan, Kyle and Cartman in terms of how they see the world. Could you please do a similar thing for Kenny, if you have any clues/ideas/headcanons? I was thinking Mysterion and his background?

Thanks! I love doing these so it’s no problem. So you want me to do one on how Kenny sees the world… hmm…

That’s a tough one actually. Kenny’s outlook on life’s kind of hard to pin down, but it’s understandable for someone in his situation. Kenny fluctuates from being a frightened child who doesn’t wanna die, to a being a willing sacrifice because despite him really disliking the pain of death, he knows he’ll just come back. As early as Cartman’s Mom is a Dirty Slut he’s been aware that he can die and just come back with no consequence, so he’s been willing to put himself in deadly situations when it’s necessary to save others.

What is really sad about Kenny, though, is that in the present season, he’s died so many times that he wants to stay dead. Forever. This is painfully clear in Coon vs Coon and Friends. 

“Only an immortal can kill another immortal! [to Cthulhu] Here’s your prize! Take this curse away from me, you big pussy!“

In this moment Kenny knows that if Cthulhu were to kill him, he’d be dead forever, and that’s exactly what he wants. He wants to stop being torn to pieces, being sent to heaven or hell, only to be yanked back into the living world over some arbitrary reason. 

To Kenny this would be like constantly moving back and forth from place to place, never being allowed to settle down. To some extent Kenny is used to it, but obviously he’s tired of it. He just wants to stay in one place. 

He probably has friends in Hell, and friends in heaven. Though, he’d probably prefer to live in hell. The people in south park heaven don’t really seem all that fun. The biggest perk Kenny gets there is being able to play that golden PSP. I’d say that’s better than being routinely tortured by satan, but Kenny is already routinely tortured, so, that’s not a big plus from him.

But the sad part of that is, if Kenny were to die forever, I don’t think he’d have an afterlife. 

When Cartman banishes the boys to R’Lyeh, Mysterion gets a sense of familiarity towards the city.

Toolshed: Dude, where the fuck are we?
Mysterion: I don’t know, but… I feel like… I’ve… been here before. 

( Fun fact, R’lyeh isn’t actually in another dimension like Cartman seems to think, R’lyeh according to Lovecraft, is on Earth, a sunken city deep in the South Pacific. The city itself has general coordinates, but this part of the south pacific is far too difficult to reach right now.


But I guess it is a dark oblivion since it’s a gateway to another dimension.) 

But anyhow, Kenny’s statement about the place suggests that he is from the dimension that R’lyeh originates from. His spirit is that of an immortal creature. I’ve talked about this specifically so I’m gonna do a little insert here.

And as for Kenny, because of the fact that Carol and Stuart were part of that occult, it can be assumed that the cult was trying to summon Cthulhu like the oil company did.
They probably tried to use Carol as a human sacrifice, but when she didn’t die, the cult assumed it didn’t work. But instead what happened was they summoned part of Cthulhu’s consciousness and infused it with Kenny’s soul. Since he was meant to be a sacrifice but was unborn when the ritual was performed, Kenny wasn’t hurt during the ritual, but the powers of the ritual keep trying to take him back over and over, trying to keep their sacrifice.
But since part of his soul is fused with Cthulhu’s consciousness he’s unable to die and keeps coming back.

Now considering we don’t know much about the dark dimension Cthulhu came from, we don’t know if Kenny is part of Cthulhu himself or a different creature entirely. But considering the cult that his parents were a part of is thoroughly obsessed with Cthulhu specifically, it could be assumed that the ritual that Carol and Stuart were a part of was one to bring about his return. And I know, honestly, it could go either way.

Henrietta:Cthulhu and other beings are from this city, but for years cultists have tried to bring them into our world.

But, if we assume that his soul is a small part of Cthulhu, like I headcanon, then engaging Cthulhu in a fight would be the greatest and worst thing Kenny ever did, because not only would Cthulhu kill him forever, but he’d destroy a part of himself forever. And that might bring about Cthulhu’s own death as well.

And at that point both of them would cease to exist.

It’s a little far-fetched to say Kenny is part of Cthulhu, but I still enjoy that headcanon. Another headcanon I have, if you pay attention to my Kenny’s eyes, his irises are very slowly changing from his original color to a more and more violet purple. ( I need to go back and change the baby picture because his eyes should’ve started off as Turquoise.)  This goes on a spectrum, if m4 was long enough you’d see his irises slowly change from purple to red, red to orange, and finally, orange to yellow. 

Fuck. I might make a fanfiction about that. Aaah.


Kenny’s viewpoint on life is very humble. He simply indulges in what he can, while he can, because life to him is an inconsistent illusion, and he is aware that there are forces influencing his life that he has no control of. Kenny’s an improviser. 

He makes do with what he can, for as long as he can, and appreciates the small consistencies in his life. He has many values but with how crazy south park is, he goes with whatever life calls for in that moment.

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